Subnautica below zero wiki prawn suit
Subnautica below zero wiki prawn suit

The drilling arm is what it says on the box. The Grapple arm allows for enhanced environment traversal in complicated areas, I.E: trying to exit a roofed area without the thruster upgrade. The propulsion arm allows the user to manipulate gravity and to pick up objects not weighing any more than 200KG.

subnautica below zero wiki prawn suit

The four arms allow for all 4 add-on arms from the previous Prawn Suit to be attached at the same time, so there’s no getting out in 70☌ environments just to change the Propulsion cannon arm to the Drill arm just to mine some titanium. A Range of Modifications are available to facilitate resource extraction and enhanced exploration.

subnautica below zero wiki prawn suit

Rear Mounted Thrusters provide manoeuvrability in low gravity environments. Powerful hydraulic limbs allow for manipulation of objects and powered traversal of the environment. The suit is fully insulated from the outside environment. The MK.IV is the latest iteration, and has only been rolled out by Innovation Inc.’s space subcompany, Alterra Corp., for its own phasegate-related operations The PRAWN Suit is a 4 armed suit designed to protect the pilot from extreme environments. PRAWN (Pressure Re-active Waterproof Nano) Suit Fact File

Subnautica below zero wiki prawn suit